The Broadway Surgery

179 Whitehawk Road, Whitehawk, Brighton, BN2 5FL

Telephone: 01273 600888

We're open

Teens and Young Peoples Health

Click here to find where you pick up condoms with your C-Card in Brighton & Hove

We are here to listen, not to tell. We provide a confidential service to young people including the under 16’s

you can choose to tell others about visits to the surgery but we won’t. The only reason why we might consider passing on confidential information without your permission, would be to protect you or someone else from serious harm. We would always try and discuss this with you first. If you have any worries about confidentiality, please ask a member of staff.

Chlamydia screening

Chlamydia is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection. It affects both men and women — but don’t worry it can be easily treated with antibiotics. About 1 in 10 sexually active young people tested have chlamydia, yet most people who have it do not have any signs or symptoms and will not know that they’ve got it. But a simple test will show if you have it!

Chlamydia tests are simple and do not require embarrassing examination. Tests are usually taken by yourself, not by a nurse or doctor. For men testing simply involves peeing in a pot. Once found Chlamydia can be easily treated, usually with a single dose of antibiotic tablets (or liquid).

To arrange Chlamydia screening see one of our practice nurses.

General Contraceptive Services

Our GP’s and Nurses can provide confidential advice and access to a wide range of contraceptives. There are a wide range of options available including pills, patches, injections, implants, coils and condoms. Further information is available on all aspects of sex, relationships and contraception at:

Are you a teenager or know of a teenager who is struggling with mental health issues? Young is a fantastic resource for both parents and young people that provides excellent information. You can always contact us at the surgery and we can make you an appointment with a Dr if you feel you need any help.

Common Health Problems

we can of course help with a wide range of common health problems that you may experience.
This includes:

• Skin problems such as acne or eczema
• Lumps and bumps -e.g. testicles /breast / vagina or skin
• Headache or Migraine
• Stress or feeling low/depressed
• Family or Relationship problems
• Sexuality – straight or gay?
• Pregnancy and Emergency Contraception.
• School / College worries – bullying / exams
• Lifestyle concerns – drugs, alcohol, smoking or weight
• Whatever you’re worried about -don’t put it off, book to discuss it now with one of our Doctors or Nurses.

Take a look at these websites for male & female teenage health:



Where else can I go for help?

For teenagers worried about attending their Dr’s surgery, there are many other places you can get confidential help and advice:

Parent or Family members – can be surprisingly helpful and are often more aware than you might think. We may encourage you to discuss your problem with your parent(s) but only if you are happy to. Remember we will not pass on information ourselves, even if you are under 16, unless essential to protect you or someone else from harm.

School Nurse – can be contacted via your school

Here are a few more websites and numbers that you may find useful

• Contraception & Sexual Health advice

• 0800 1111 (24hrs)

• 0800 018 5023

• Connexions – Freephone 0800 0529977 to find local centres

• Sexwise – Freephone 0800 282930 – a confidential helpline for teenagers on anything to do with relationships, sex and contraception.


• THINK – a texting service providing confidential advice on relationships and sexual health 84465

• FRANK 0800 776600 Talk to FRANK about drugs

• Domestic Violence 0808 8000340

• Lesbian and gay switchboard 0115 934 8484

• Rape crisis 0115 9410440


Opening Times

  • Monday
    09:00am to 01:00pm
    03:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    09:00am to 01:00pm
    03:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    09:00am to 01:00pm
    03:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    09:00am to 06:30pm
    GP is on call via IC24 number from 13:00
  • Friday
    09:00am to 01:00pm
    03:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
    08:00am to 02:00pm
    (Strictly By Appointment Only)
  • Sunday
    09:00am to 01:00pm
    Open Alternate Sundays - Book Via Reception
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